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Welcome to the Besom in Guildford
We’re all about Giving

Do you have a heart for people who are living on the margins?

Do you have time, skills, money or things that you would like to give?

Would you like to make a real difference?

If so then we would love to share our experience with you.

I want to give

To find out more please see the 'For Givers' menu or click Here

I would like some help

Please ask your social worker or keyworker for help accessing our services.

I am a referrer

If you are a referrer then there is a process to follow to help your clients. 

To find out more please see the 'For Referrers' menu or click Here

Contact us via email or phone 07929 037101
and we can tell you more about what we do and how you can get involved.

The Besom in Guildford 2024 - Regd. Charity Number 1117561 

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